yays .. a guarentted protect point ....
awsome pal truely awsome
yays .. a guarentted protect point ....
awsome pal truely awsome
Thanks for the review!
This 300k thing is needless
The 300k thing is still many submissions away but what, you think someone will remember you if you make a half arsed movie and stick it on the 300k, no it'll get blammed like every other mediocre piece. take your skills and work on sommat good, with a plot or a cool fight scene that people remember, all the 300k submissions i have seen suck, they been bashed together in a matter of hours with no real effort involvled
Well everyone wanted to do it and i was the only milano crew one i mean come on at least i tryed some were just 1 picture.
in twenty minutes you can cook pasta, make a scrambled egg sanwhich, make a phone call to your mum, end a relationship or go to a website which isnt particularly family friendly and do something which isn't particularly wholesome.
you can write a flash in twenty minutes, especially not one that will capture peoples attentions. sorry dude
I dont eat food, my moms dead i have no girlfriend, i dont have a cock.
please dont try that again ever
you got 51 more entries to wait for pal your 299949 ...
I'll try to be as contrstuctive as possible, ...
I didnt like this ..
thanks froggy tha faggot1
You make a point ....
.... fight the heirachy dude ... wierd way to get your point across, this will get blammed eventually but like i said .. good point
It passed judgement long before you even made your review
Constructive critisim
drop the spritey pixelated charecter's, i'm assuming you lifted them of megaman or something old, you can tell you used the sprites for frame by frame animation which is awsome because frame by frame animation always yealds much better results than tweens and is also much more time consuming and difficult
anyway i lost track, just convert all your sprites over to vector, also you could convert all the other images you choose to use (like the covenant hover bike thing) into vector as well. Then your guns won't look out of place on your char's, neither will anything else you choose to add. Basic shading also works really well, check out any profesional flash and you see some really simple, yet beautiful and effective shading on the edges of dark colour patches on vector graphics. Check out xombie or littlefoot for example.
Anyway dude i know i said a lot but your submission is awsome i forgot how much i loved ng's and i can't wait to fix my buggy flash so i can have a shot at adding sumissions again
yay! :D... well yeah constuctive crit is allways appresiated. I HAVE seen littlefoot and xombie, and i do admit they look fantastic. I hope to one day acheive something of that calibur, but right now, im not quite that good. I may include shading on my next one...
Hey peeps, hows it going My flash is fucked ATM gonna have to format my HDD before i start w/ the movies, not gonna post no blam fodder like i did wen i was a kid .. keep ur eyes open for pure class
Age 39, Male
University of Bath
Bath, UK
Joined on 3/6/06